Revelation |
Who, When, Where |
Written by Yohannes (John). Yohannes was one of Yeshua's closest disciples. And the disciple whom Yeshua loved. He was a fisherman with his brother James (Yaakov) and Yeshua nicknamed them "The Sons of Thunder". As far as we know John lived longer than all the other disciples and died as an old man on the island of Patmos around 100AD. |
Summary |
Revelation is basically one big vision. But what does it all mean? |
Before You Read |
So, if you have read the whole Bible up to here then you should already have a pretty good idea about how the world will end. You have read of the Day of Yahweh in Zechariah, and about the Rapture in Corinthians and Thessalonians. |
Key Verses |
Revelation 1:8 “I’m the A and the Z”, says the lord [Yahweh] God, “The one who is, and the who was, and who is coming, the Almighty.” Some translations leave it as Greek Alpha and Omega (the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet). Yahweh is saying that he is the beginning and the end. Revelation 3:20 Look! I’m standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I’ll come in to them, and I’ll dine with them, and they themselves with me. This verse is very often misquoted. Yeshua is NOT standing outside the heart of a non Christian knocking to get in. He is standing outside a church, trying to get in. Revelation 12:9 The great dragon was hurled down – that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. So in Yohannes’ vision this seems to be something which will happen in the future. Yet in Luke 10:8 Yeshua said, “I watched Satan fall from heaven like lightning.” Will he fall a second time? Has Yeshua already seen the future? How does that fit together with Yeshua also saying, in John 8:58, “Before Abraham was born, I am”. Revelation 13:18 Let the one who has a mind calculate the number of the beast, for it’s the number of a person, and his number is CXS (666). The Greek has the letters χξϛ (CSX) which stand for 666 just like the Roman numerals DCLXVI do. Maybe there is more to it than that? What do you think it means? Many people have put forward their opinion, I think we won’t know until afterwards and then we will all think it was obvious. Until then we will probably all just be wrong. Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new sky, and a new earth, for the first sky and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no longer. Some translations say “heaven”. But the Greek and Hebrew words for “heaven” were both also used for “sky”, so whenever you see one you should consider the other. |
After You Read |
What verses really stood out to you? |