Do Be Do Be Do?


It’s bad grammar, but in a nutshell: God doesn’t care what you do, God cares what you be.

He doesn’t care so much about your actions, he cares about your character.


So many Christians get caught up with trying to decide what God wants them to do in life.

But really, for Christians, the issue is not what you do. The issue is why you do it.

And why you do it comes down to your character.


What is God’s great desire for your life?

That you be conformed to the image of his son.

Not that you grow a beard and have surgery to look middle Eastern.

But that your character becomes like the character of Jesus.

Humble, faithful, devoted, loving.

Not motivated by money, or power, or pride.

Selfless, missional, focused.

All those things you know you should be but aren’t (yet).


But, if you are a Christian, you will be getting there.

You will see progress, even if it’s slow.

God told Moses that he would drive the enemies out of the promised land “little by little”, otherwise the wild animals would overrun it before Israel could increase enough to take control of it.

It’s the same for us. God deals with our sins, little by little, one by one. And as we grow in character and maturity to fill the space he removes a little more.

Conforming to Jesus is a slow process.

(It’s worth remembering that too when you’re tempted to judge other people’s progress along that journey).


Conforming your character to that of Jesus is God’s work, not yours.

Give up your own efforts. It is beyond you. So many Christians punish themselves for not already being Christlike.

Paul said that God himself is working in us to change our will. That God has predestined us to conform to the image of Jesus.

It’s God’s work to change us… we just need to be patient.


Paul says, “Whatever you do, do it as if you are doing it for the Lord”.

Very few people in the Bible actually received a direct intervening command from God.

And even most of the ones that did, only received such intervention once or twice in their entire lives.

The rest of the time, they went where they went, and did what they did, and just served God as they went.


Ultimately, God is working in you to change your character.

It doesn’t matter so much what job you do, or who you marry.

Watchman Nee said it very beautifully.

“2000 years ago Jesus the Christ lived a perfect life.

Now he wants to do it again – in you.”


Let him do it.



PS: Who’s Driving?